The Last of Us 2 is a grim world in which around a dozen people all owned the same model of safe. They're long gone so go ahead and crack open every safe with this full list of safe locations and their safe codes and combinations. These are divided by chapter and section. To avoid spoilers, some chapter names and subsections do not include full names.
Chapter 1: Jackson Safe Codes
Grocery Store Safe Code (Goodboy Combo) - The Patrol
The spore infected part of the grocery store, check the back office. The hint is "when my good boy was employee of the month." Safe Code: 07-20-13.
Chapter 2: Seattle Day 1 Safe Codes
Courthouse Safe Code (White Board) - Downtown
Enter the courthouse and before going down the elevator to get to the garage break the window to enter the locked room. The hint is to check the white board writing. Safe Code: 86-07-22.
Bank Vault Safe Code - Downtown
Enter the bank located in the downtown area and find the safe code in the heist plans, an artifact that can be found in a bag on the floor in the Safe Deposit Room. Access the vault in the back of the safety deposit box room for the goods. Bank Vault Code: 60-23-06.
Gate West 2 Safe Code - Downtown
Locate the Gate West 2 below the Courthouse at Madison and 5th, and squeeze through the open gate to find a safe with the note “use Gate Code” consult your notes to find the list of codes and enter 04, 51.Checkpoint Gate Codes: 04, 51.
Thrift Store Safe code (Staci's Number) - Capitol Hill
In the tripwire area, check out the back room(s) in the thrift shop. You'll find a note on the cork board on the right wall. It says Staci's number is the safe code. You can find the rest of the number written on the bathroom wall, to the left of the sink. Safe Code: 55-01-33.
Locker Room Safe Code (Soda Code) - Tunnels
In the office rooms, in the tunnels, go to the break room (with small tables and vending machines). Get a soft drink from the vending machine. On the soda can, you'll find the code. You'll need to guess the last 2 digits but the game narrows down the options for you. Locker Room Code: 15243.
Chapter 3: Seattle Day 1 Safe Codes
Auto Repair Safe Code - Hillcrest
Cut through the tattoo parlor to get behind the businesses. Enter the auto repair shop. You'll need to move the dumpster to get access. Safe Code: 30-82-65.
Apartment Bedroom Safe Code - The Seraphites
The door is locked but you can gain access through the laundry room down the stairs (on the right) or by climbing the truck to break in through the window. Safe Code: 10-08-83.
Pharmacy Backroom Safe Code - The Seraphites
When swimming look for the concrete/parking garage. Go upstairs to the pharmacy and crawl through a hole in the wall, giving you access to the back room. Safe Code: 38-55-23.
Chapter 4: Seattle Day 3 Safe Codes
Boat Safe Code - The Flooded City
You'll have to manually open a door in the warehouse to keep driving your boat. Before you leave go upstairs where debris blocks your path - but you can move a pallet on wheels to the side to crawl through to the far end. Drop through a window to find yourself next to the boat, in the caged area where the safe is. Safe Code: 70-12-64.
Chapter 6 Safe Codes
Big Win Lottery Safe Code - On Foot
After exiting the warehouse with the suspended boat check the trailer for a note explaining that the code is still the big win! Look for the Lottery Ticket on the cork board. Go to the building across from the trailer to find and open the safe. Safe Combo: 17-38-07.
Jasmine Bakery Safe Code - Hostile Territory
Enter the Bakery and you'll find a safe behind the register. Safe Code: 68-96-89.
Boast Safe Code - The Coast
After taking down the infected in the boat, go to the deck. Enter the side with the huge hole and there's the safe. Safe Code: 90-77-01.
Chapter 7 Safe Codes
Apartment Bedroom Safe Code - The Shortcut
The apartment building with the DnD game on the table has a safe in the bedroom. Safe Code is 30-23-04.
Gym Safe (WiFi Password) - The Descent
After leaving the initial pool area go through the doors ahead and you'll see a gym. Across from the gym (left of the stairs) is a closet with a safe in it. Hint: the safe code is the same as the WiFi code located in the weights room. Safe Code: 12-18-79.
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